Planting Tips

The Primrose – Small Plant, Big Meaning.

The Primrose – Small Plant, Big Meaning.

Primrose “Primula vulgaris”- Such a beautiful little springtime plant and a sure sign that winter is over! It sometimes takes a back seat to pansies…. the common cool weather flower that makes its happy face known and populates greenhouses in early spring. I can’t...

Fall is for picking apples, and planting them!

Fall is for picking apples, and planting them!

Every fall a “must do” that’s on the top of my bucket list is a visit to an orchard for apple picking! There isn’t much that says it’s fall more than picking my own apples and coming home and baking pies. But, you could have this right outside your door if you grow...

Fall is the time to plant Daffodil & Tulip bulbs!

Fall is the time to plant Daffodil & Tulip bulbs!

It’s tough to think about spring flowers when we are just starting to feel like it’s fall, but it’s time to put the planning in, and there will be a big pay off. Trust me on this, you will be happy that you did! A big part of being a gardener is planning and patience....

Simple tips on getting more mileage out of your mums

Simple tips on getting more mileage out of your mums

It’s September and I know a lot of you are thinking about candy corn and pumpkin flavored coffee…..but I’m thinking about mums. Chrysanthemums are a fall favorite, and there are a couple of good reasons for this. The biggest is of course they are cold hardy. Temps are...